Learn. Lead. Innovate.

Learn. Lead. Innovate

tiistai 17. kesäkuuta 2014

Buenos Aires MoE meets our students

Buenos Aires MoE delegation and our students

We were honoured to get visitors from Buenos Aires Ministry of Education. Argentina delegation was interested in several perspectives in Finnish education :

1.      Inclusion and social equity

2.      Primary education

3.      Upper secondary education

4.      Finnish educational system success

5.      Curriculum development and assessment

6.      Reform and change management

7.      Career guidance and navigation

8.      Teacher education

9.      Entrepreneurial education

10.  Use of technologies in education

11.  Seeing schools in action

                                                               Mercedes de Miguel

Mercedes de Miguel is the Director General of Education Planning for the Education Ministry in the City of Buenos Aires. Her duty is to improve education quality through pedagogic innovation and constant improvement of student’s learning.

Mercedes with her team plans, develops and implements education policy for the 1.200 schools, 370.000 students and 70.000 teachers of City of Buenos Aires. Depending directly on the Education Minister, the area has a broad perspective of the city´s education. 

As a General Director she develops the following tasks: 
-Designs and implement curriculum for all the levels of education in the City of Buenos Aires.
-Develops strategies and implement actions to integrate education and learning processes of education institutions to digital culture.
-Elaborates and provides with pedagogic resources pursuing quality education in every school.
-Plans and implement strategic educational policies for teacher training development and teaching and learning of foreign languages in the educational system with English as a second language compulsory from 1st grade in every public school.
-Focuses on ever student learning improvement.

 Mercedes is currently leading the reform of the city´s secondary level curriculum which is the first in its history. The New Secondary School puts students in the center of education policy. The curriculum is based in learning competencies and character development for XXI century students.

                                              Our trained and skilled student guides

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