Learn. Lead. Innovate.

Learn. Lead. Innovate

lauantai 13. elokuuta 2011

PLN - you never walk alone !

"Nowadays employers don't ask what skills do you have but what people do you know"?

If you want to enlarge your possibilities in profession and develop yourself create yourself PLN. Working alone is history and social networking and connecting other colleagues and specialist is future. My vice to new teacher or educator is simple : "Join Twitter, Facebook, Google+, communities, networks, experts, students etc." With these tools you can develop and design your skills, knowledge and get new idea in your education. It is all about learning.

PLE thinking

Most of the learning happens outside of school.Students hobbies, networks, friends, home, games, litterature, comics, societies educate them even more than school. That's why is important to clarify these Personal Learning Environments(PLE)also at school. What skills and knowledge younsters learn through these tools. This social content is crucial.

My Personal Learning Network (PLN)

My own PLN consist few communities and networks. Our school (Muurame High School) has Facebook tribe which includes student and teachers. One of best learning tool is Twitter. We are building Twitter community with other Finnish and foreign educators/experts in #finnedchat chat and blog http://finnedchat.blogspot.com/. Our school has parents' association to support students and teachers collaboration.

We are coordinating and networking with 24 Finnish High Schools in Finnish Entrepreneurship and Social Network http://www.peda.net/veraja/yrittajyyslukioverkosto. This co-operation with same level schools is fantastic way to develop and discuss pedagogical and teachership issues.

Working in Institute of Educational Leadership https://www.jyu.fi/edu/laitokset/rehtori/en gives us perspective and new thinking in education leadership and academic research.

Latest marvellous network is international contacts in Reform Symposium http://reformsymposium.com/. This community will share knowledge and contacts round the world. It has been awesome to get new colleagues and have dialogue with them. Schooling issues and problems are quite similar every parts of earth.

As a company (Team Factory ltd) we are coordinating and leading education process in Republic of Carelia (Russia)http://www.peda.net/veraja/asbkarelia. This coaching process has put together Russian and Finnish teachers and schools.

Team Factory ltd is The member of Educluster Finland http://educlusterfinland.com/ which export Finnish Edcucation system abroad. This opportunity to join Educluster Finland will open totally new world for Finnish educators. World and new colleagues are very near by.

Let's care, dare and share !

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